Sundar Kaur, an experienced healing arts practitioner, yearned to fulfill a deep longing to work with crystals and healing in a way that many people could access, rather than being limited to working with a few people one-on-one.
After long research, experimentation, and countless meditations asking for guidance from the crystals, planets, flowers, and various Balinese energy healers, Balipura was born.

Sundar devised a unique technology to infuse natural volcanic spring water with crystals energy, further enhanced with pure essential oils' aromatherapeutic properties. This method is known as the Balipura Transfer Methodâ„¢.

Kaur steadfastly adheres to the principles of fair pay and work conditions, ethical business practice, no animal testing, non-toxic and natural ingredients, environmentally responsible production and waste management, and excellent customer service and support. Balipura company is 100% based in Bali but exports all around the world!

Their mission is to create the purest and most effective Aura Products to uplift, support, and tangibly benefit people seeking to improve their wellbeing. We hope you benefit and enjoy the sprays and other products as much as we do.

These sprays are a perfect addition to your home sanctuary and your home yoga practice.
